Department Placements

14. 08. 21
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Hits: 7581

             The mission of this Cell is to enhance and facilitate the process of gainful employment for entry level jobs matching with the students’ personal and academic profiles. In the present-day business scenario, companies demand job-ready candidates for employment at the shortest possible time period.

            The qualified students are expected to be equipped with employable skills suitable for different Civil Engineering sectors. Considering, the Department cell has aligned its strategies to enhance the employability quotient of our students by imparting employable skills training, various Civil Engineering softwares training, soft skills, spoken English, thus bridging the gaps through appropriate training.

       The Campus Placement Cell conducts On-Campus & Off-Campus placements and employability enhancement activities in the college.

The following are the list of Students Selected for various Companies through the campus selections. 

CIVIL Department Placements A.Y 2021 - 22

CIVIL Department Placements A.Y 2020 - 21

CIVIL Department Placements A.Y 2019 - 20 

CIVIL Department Placements A.Y 2018 - 19

CIVIL Department Placements A.Y 2017 - 18

CIVIL Department Placements A.Y 2016 - 17

CIVIL Department Placements A.Y 2015 - 16

CIVIL Department Placements A.Y 2014 - 15