Student Associations

14. 08. 21
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The Institution of Engineers (India) Students’ Chapter Electrical

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Sir. C.R. Reddy College of Engineering, Eluru


It is an article of faith at Sir CRR to complement the academic component of the university and enhance the overall educational experience of students through a wide range of extra-curricular programmes, facilities, services and activities. These events provide students and other members of the university exposure to a variety of social, cultural, intellectual, recreational opportunities and challenges.

Co-curricular and extracurricular activities are planned and executed through a number of associations, clubs, societies and students' chapters of professional bodies. They are owned and managed by representatives of students and are monitored by the faculty in-charge.

Every year a two-day National Level Technical paper Contest, TECH-FEST will be conducted in the month of January / February for students on all thrust areas of Electrical and Electronics Engineering.


Apart from the paper presentation contest, technical events like spot competitions in “C”, technical quiz and project exhibition in various fields of Electrical and Electronics Engineering branch. 


                                                                           INDIAN SOCIETY FOR TECHNICAL EDUCATION

The Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) is the leading National Professional non-profit making Society for the Technical Education System in our country with the motto of Career Development of Teachers and Personality Development of Students and overall development of our Technical Education System.

                                                                                      SIRCRRCOE-ISTE CHAPTER

Our Institute has joined as Institutional member of ISTE in the year 2014. At present our institute has a very large and an effective membership base consisting of more than 100 life members and 1651 student members. SIRCRRCOE -ISTE EEE Faculty and Student Chapter was inaugurated by Dr.A.Srinivasa Reddy , Professor and HOD ,EEE Department on 20-12-2021.


The major objective of the ISTE is to provide quality training programmes to teachers and administrators of technical institutions to update their knowledge and skills in their fields of activity and to assist and contribute in the production and development of top quality professional engineers and technicians needed by the industry and other organizations.

Benefit Of ISTE Membership

  • Member of a National Professional Organization.
  • Joined an academic Fraternity of over 45,000 strong professional.
  • Preference to attend short-term training programme for the academic excellence and to become eligible for career advancement opportunities.
  • Many more publications for Self Development, Institution Development,etc. (at Concessional rates).
  • Eligible to participate in Chapter level, Section level and National level Conferences, Workshops and other activities of your academic interest etc.

    Code Of Conduct For ISTE Members

    • Members should at all times preserve the dignity and interest of the profession and of the Society by maintaining a high standard of professional and personal conduct;
    • They should work in the best interest of the Society;
    • They should neither engage in personal advertisement, nor canvas for an appointment, nor take any action which is detrimental to sister Institutions;
    • They should at all times endeavour to establish and maintain the best possible conditions of service for their colleagues and other staff;
    When a Member represents the Society, he should as far as possible state the policy of the Society. If he has any disagreement with a policy of the Society, he may so inform the Society.
  • The Executive Council will then decide the further course of action (including the question of the Society's representation) that is to be taken.
  • Where, having regard to this Code of Conduct a Member wishes to make a complaint against another Member of the Society, he should do so in writing to the Executive Council. If the Executive Council is of the opinion that a prima-facie case of infringement of the Code of Conduct has been established it will appoint a Committee for investigation. On the basis of the report of the Committee, the Executive Council will take a final decision on the matter.
  • SIRCRRCOE-ISTE Faculty Chapter

    Faculty Chairman: Dr.K.Venkateswara Rao, Principal

    Faculty Vice Chairman: Dr.A.Srinivasa Reddy, Professor/EEE

    Faculty Secretary: Dr.Y.Butchi Raju, Professor/EEE

    Faculty Coordinator: Dr.M.Veera Kumari, ASP/EEE