in IT News
20. 09. 18
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Hits: 4589




The Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE) is India’s leading recognized professional society devoted to the advancement of science and technology of electronics, telecommunication & IT. IETE Student Forum (ISF) is a student body of IETE. IETE Student Forum was started in our college on 15th September 2003 in ECE department. IETE Student Forum provides students a common platform to exchange their ideas and information of their common interest. ISF serve as a focal point at the institution on all aspects of professional development of the student members. ISF is providing the journals of IETE to all its members.





Student branch code/ name: STB11558, Sir C R Reddy College of Engineering IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization for the advancement of technology. IEEE membership builds a platform to introduce careers in technology to students and professionals around the world. Sir C. R. Reddy College of Engineering IEEE Student Branch (STB11558) was established on 20th October, 2019. IEEE Student branch of Sir C R Reddy College of Engineering is dedicated for professional skill development of the students. We organize various events (technical & non-technical) like workshops, seminars, training programs, awareness camps and other activities to enhance the skills and abilities of the students. Our IEEE student members are encouraged to participate in the events conducted at region and national level. All the events are organized by raising fund from the student participant registrations and partial funds sanctioned by our college management. IEEE SIRCRRCOE Women in Engineering (WIE) student branch affinity group was formed on 31-03-2021. 

IEEE SPS SB Chapter was formed on July 17th 2021

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