publications civil

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Publications in various International/National - Journals/ Conferences


Fuat Köksal 1 · Kuppala Srinivasa Rao 2 · Ziyafeddin Babayev1 · Mehmet Kaya “Efect of Steel Fibres on Flexural Toughness of Concrete and RC Beams”. Springer Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering DOI: 25-Aug-2021.


Y.Sasidhar, Kuppala Srinivasa Rao, and V.Venkata Sujitha “Experimental Investigation of Mechanical and Durability Performance for Palm Oil Fuel Ash Aggregates Concrete” DOI: International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction Vol 9, No 3, September 2020, 12020015, 1-6. 


A Surya Manikanta “Applications of Plastic Waste Material (Straws) In Improving Strength Properties of Black Cotton Soil” International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 07 Issue: 05 | May 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072.


V.Venkata Sujitha, Dr. G Kumaran and K. Balasubramanian.2020, “Risk Analysis of Nuclear Containment Vessels” Int J Recent Sci Res. 11(04), pp. 38275-38278.  DOI: International Journal of Recent Scientific Research Vol. 11, Issue, 04 (E), pp. 38275-38278, April, 2020.


K.Dharani “Properties Of Recycled Aggregate Used For Construction Of Roads” INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH AND ANALYTICAL REVIEWS (IJRAR) Volume 5, issue 3,E-ISSN 2348-1269, July 2018.


B.Ranjith Kumar 1, C.Ramesh Dutt 1 & Dr.K. Ramanjaneyulu 2 “Seasonal Variations in Drinking Water Quality of Some Bore wells in Pedavegi Mandal of West Godavari District, Andhrapradesh, India” International Journal of Engineering Science Invention (IJESI) ISSN (Online): 2319 – 6734, ISSN (Print): 2319 – 6726 || PP. 56-61 March 2018.


Ranjith Kumar Bandi 1, Dr. KSVKS Madhavi Rani 2, Dr.Harinadhababu Raparla 3 “Determination of Fluoride Concentrations in Ground Water In Two Different Seasons in Two Years (2015&2016) In Lingapalem Mandal” International Journal of Engineering Science Invention (IJESI) ISSN (Online): 2319 – 6734, ISSN (Print): 2319 – 6726 || PP. 01-05 March 2018.


K.SrinivasaRao, K.Dharani, Sasidhar.Y “Experimental study on Mechanical Properties of Concrete with Partial replacement of Cement by GGBS and Fly Ash” International Journal of Research in Advent Technology (IJRAT) Volume 06, Issue 2, Feb-2018 ISSN:2321-9637.


K.Dharani “Compressive Strength and Durability Properties of Geopolymer Concrete” Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal (OIIRJ) Volume 07, ISSN 2249-9598, June 2017.


K.Dharani “Compressive Strength and Micro Structure studies on Cement Added Geopolymer Concrete” Global Journal of Engineering Science and Researches (GJESR) ISSN 2348-8034, Nov 2017.


M.Vineela, V.Swathi Padmaja, Yalavarthi. Sasidhar “Improvement of Sub Grade Cbr Value with Addition of Tile Dust and Silica Fume at Varying Percentages” VFSTR Journal of STEM Vol. 03, No.01 (2017) 2455-2062 June 2017.


Kotharu Srinivasa Rao1 and Kuppala Srinivasa Rao2Study of HSC by Using Fly Ash as Partial Replacement of Cement & Incorporating of Steel Fibers” IDL International Digital Library of Technology & Research Volume 1, Issue 5, May 2017.


Srinivasa Rao, T. DivyaSree “Mix Design of High Strength Concrete by Partially Replacement of Cement by Flyash” IDL International Digital Library of Technology & Research Volume 1, Issue 5, May 2017.


Dr.R.Harinadha Babu, “Assessment of Ground Water Quality – Polavaram Mandal, West godavari District, Andhra Pradesh, India” International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJEAR) vol(6),  Issue 2 spl-2, July- ISSN: 2348-0033, Dec-2016.


1P.Santhosh, 2M.Sita Rama Raju, 3B.Ranjith Kumar, 4R.Harinadha Babu, 5N V V S Prasad “Water Quality Analysis for Drinking Purpose in Gopalapuram Mandal, West Godavari, Andhra Pradesh, India” ISSN : 2348-0033 (Online) IJEAR Vol. 6, Issue 2, SPL - 2, July - Dec 2016.


Dr.R.Harinadha Babu, “Spatial Distribution of Hydro- Chemical Parameters in Dwarakatirumala Mandal, Westgodavari District, Andhra Pradesh, India” International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJEAR) vol(6),  Issue 2 spl-2, July- ISSN: 2348-0033 Dec-2016.


1S. Sarithadevi, 2M.S.V. Naga Jyothi, 3B. Laxmi Lahalya, 4B. Ranjith Kumar, 5KSVKS Madhavi Rani, 6R. Harinadha Babu “Analysis of Drinking Water Parameters of Groundwater Samplesin Jeelugumilli Mandal, AP, India” ISSN : 2348-0033 (Online) IJEAR Vol. 6, Issue 2, SPL -2, July - Dec 2016.


1D.Chowdeswari, 2M.Anand Kumar, 3B.Ranjith Kumar, 4C.Ravi, 5R.Harinadha Babu, 6N V V S Prasad “Study of Ground Water Quality- Linear Correlation Analysis and Contour Maps- of Chintalapudi Mandal Westgodavari District, Andhra Pradesh, India” ISSN : 2348-0033 (Online) IJEAR Vol. 6, Issue 2, SPL -2, July - Dec 2016.


R.Harinadha Babu, “Study of Ground Water Quality – Linear Correlation Analysis and Contour Maps - of Chintalapudi Mandal, Westgodavari District, Andhra Pradesh, India” IJEAR vol(6),  Issue 2 spl-2, July-, ISSN: 2348-0033 Dec-2016.


Dr.Nvvs Prasad1, Dr.Harinadha Babu2, Dr.C.Ravi3, B.Ranjith Kumar4, D.Chowdeswari5, M.Anand Kumar5 “Linear Correlation Analysis and Contour Maps- Study of Ground Water Quality of Buttayagudem Mandal Westgodavari District, Andhrapradesh, India” IJEAR ISSN: 2321-7758 Vol.4., S2., Dec-2016.


Dr.R.HarinadhaBabu, “Physico - chemical analysis of ground water in Buttayagudem mandal, West godavari District, Andhra Pradesh, India” IJEAR ISSN:2321-7758 Dec-2016. 


Abdul Moin, A.S.Manikantha, “Effect of moulding water contents on collapsible potential of coastal region soils” IJIET ISSN: 2319-1058 Dec-2016.


1 P. Shiva Kumar, 2 T. Divakar, 3 M. Chandra kanth, 4 K. Srinivasa Rao, “Response Study of a Building with Different Elevations Under Earthquake and Wind Loads” International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181 Vol. 5 Issue 08, August-2016.


Shalinikumari. Pothunuri, N. Victor Babu, B. Sri Harsha, C. Ramesh Dutt4, “Benefits of Partial Replacement of Aggregates by Foundry Sand and Waste Rubber in Self Compacting Concrete” International Journal of Research (IJR) Vol 3, No 10 (2016) Vol-3_Issue-10_June-2016.


Surya Manikantha.A1, Satyanarayana.P.V.V2, Vamsi Nagaraju.T, Abdul moin4, “Geotechnical Application of Rice Husk Ash and Lime Admixtures of Black Cotton Soil having High Expansive Nature” SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering (SSRG – IJCE) – Volume 3 Issue 5 ISSN: 2348 – 8352 – May 2016.


Jaya Prakash Babu.V, Satyanarayana P.V.V, Surya Manikantha, A. Moin “Engineering Properties of Black cotton soil Modified with Fly ash and Cement” International Journal Of Engineering Trends And Technology (IJET) DOI:10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V35P295 Volume 35, -pg 477-482, May 2016.


A.S.Manikantha “A Study on the Engineering Properties of Expansive Soil Stabilized with High Volume Rice Husk Ash” IJEST Volume 8 No.04 ISSN:0975-5462 April 2016.


A.S.Manikantha “Application of RHA and Lime in Improving Strength Swelling Characteristics of Black Cotton Soil” IJCSER Volume 4, Issue 1, pp: (126-132), April 2016.


Revanth Kumar.P, Satyanarayana.P.V.V, Abdul Moin, Jaya Prakashbabu.V “Application of Two Industrial Wastes Rice Husk Ash and Crusher Dust as Embankment and Sub-Grade Materials” International Journal of Engineering Science and Innovative Technology (IJESIT) Volume 5, Issue 2, March 2016.


Chandrakanth, N. S. Poorna Chandra Rao, K. Srinivasa Rao “Experimental Studies on Concrete with Bentonite as Mineral Admixture” GRD Journals- Global Research and Development Journal for Engineering | Volume 1 | Issue 2, ISSN: Applied | January 2016.


Sasidhar.Y “Comparisons of Mixed Mode Parameters of Replaced concrete with Fiber reinforcement” IJSETR Volume 4, Issue 11, ISSN:2278-7798, Nov-2015.


1K.Srinivasa Rao, 2M.K.M.V.Ratnam, 3C.Ramesh Dutt, 4Dr.U.Ranga Raju, 5Dr.R.Harinadha babu “Study on blast wave parameters over the facade of high rise Buildings” IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE) e-ISSN: 2278-1684,p-ISSN: 2320-334X, Volume 12, Issue 4 Ver. V (Jul. - Aug. 2015), PP 41-44.


Dr.R.Harinadha Babu, R.P. Kumar “Progressive collapse analysis of RC buildings subjected to seismic loads” ICJ Vol. 89, Issue No. 5, pp 13-25, May 2015.


1G.V.A Pavan Kumar, 2Ch. Ramesh Dutt, 3K.Vijaya Kishore, Dr. R. Harinadha Babu “Evaluation Of Seismic Vulnerability Of Multistoried Structures Using Pushover Analysis” IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE) e-ISSN: 2278-1684, p-ISSN: 2320-334X, Volume 12, Issue 2 Ver. I (Mar - Apr. 2015), PP 18-30.


1Satyaveni Allipilli, 2Mallikadevi Palli, 3Ramesh Dutt Chilakapati, 4Dr. Harinadha Babu Raparla “Impact of Plan Irregularity to Opt a Suitable Structural Framing System in the Analysis and Design of Multi-Storied Buildings” IJEAR Vol. 4, Issue Spl-2, Jan - June 2014 38 ISSN: 2348-0033 (Online)


1Ramesh Konakalla, 2Ramesh Dutt Chilakapati, 3Dr. Harinadha Babu Raparla “Effect of Vertical Irregularity in Multi-Storied Buildings Under Dynamic Loads Using Linear Static Analysis” ISSN: 2348-0033 (Online) IJEAR Vol. 4, Issue Spl-2, Jan - June 2014.


Dr.R.Harinadha Babu “Non linear static large deformation analysis of bare frames subjected to lateral loads” ICJ Issue no Oct-Dec 2012.


Abdul Moin “Advanced Construction and Building Technology: Automation, Robotics, Services” IJASRT Issue 2, Volume 2, ISSN:2249-9954 April 2012.