Professional Chapters

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About ISTE:

The Indian Society for Technical Education is a national, professional, non-profit making Society registered under the Societies Registration Act of 1860. First started in 1941 as the Association of Principals of Technical Institutions (APTI), it was converted into "Indian Society for Technical Education" in 1968 with a view to enlarge its activities to advance the cause of technological education in the country. ISTE has an Executive Council at National level. It has active membership of more than 97286 technical teachers, 5,66,466 student members, more than 2345 institutional members, 1166 faculty chapters and 1280 students' chapters throughout the country.


ISTE-Faculty Chapter

(Chapter Code: AP036)

Sir C.R.Reddy College of Engineering is a Institutional Member of ISTE started ISTE-faculty chapter in the year 1990 with 34 Life members. The main objective of the ISTE – faculty chapter is to assist and contribute in the production and development of top quality professional engineers needed by the industries and other organizations.


Total Number of Life Members: 88

ISTE-Students' Chapter

(Chapter Code: AP099)


About IETE

The Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE) is India's leading recognised professional society devoted to the advancement of Science and Technology of Electronics, Telecommunication & Information Technology. The Institution provides leadership in Scientific and Technical areas of direct importance to the national development and economy. Government of India has recognised IETE as a Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (SIRO) and also notified as an educational Institution of national eminence. The objectives of IETE focus on advancing electro-technology. The IETE conducts and sponsors technical meetings, conferences, symposia, and exhibitions all over India, publishes technical journals and provides continuing education as well as career advancement opportunities to its members.


About IEEE

IEEE is the world's largest professional association dedicated to advancing technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity. IEEE and its members inspire a global community through IEEE's highly cited publications, conferences, technology standards, and professional and educational activities.

IEEE members receive deeply discounted access to technical seminars, IEEE conferences, and conference papers.Through IEEE programs, online resources, and membership, you can drive your career goals forward.

About IE(I)

The Institution of Engineers (India) functions with and amongst the professional engineers, academicians and research workers and provides a vast array of technical, professional and supporting services to the government and the industries along with the academic and engineering communities.


IE(I)-Staff Memberships:

Number of memberships in Fellow category (FIE) - 01

Number of memberships in Fellow category (MIE) - 04

Number of memberships in Fellow category (AMIE) - 07


IE(I) Students' Chapter

It is an article of faith at Sir CRR to complement the academic component of the university and enhance the overall educational experience of students through a wide range of extra-curricular programmes, facilities, services and activities. Co-curricular and extracurricular activities are planned and executed through a number of associations, clubs, societies and students' chapters of professional bodies. They are owned and managed by representatives of students and are monitored by the faculty in-charge.

IE(I) Students' Chapter conducts technical events like spot competitions in "C", technical quiz and project exhibition, and paper presentation contest in various fields. These events provide students and other members of the university exposure to a variety of social, cultural, intellectual, recreational opportunities and challenges.